Shirley Jackson. Drugs, ghosts, and mother love

The house, the suburbs, the street, the town—there is no place in this world that is not strangely double-faced, nor there is face that holds no secrets, and Shirley Jackson—mother of contemporary horror, queen chairwoman high priestess of all witches, storyteller of the suburban gothic, of ghost stories from the garden and the kitchen, of the frankness of poison and stones—she knew all secrets. Her life, marked by the sharp disappointments of love and the insanity of both living and writing, is here beautifully illustrated for the inspiration of readers.

Data sheet
Category: illustrated biography
ISBN: 978-958-53382-1-0
Publication date: 15/2/2022
Extent: 42
Format: 19,5 x 19,5 cm

Author´s biography

Arturo Rozo. Arturo Rozo is an animator and illustrator who works in digital art and concept art. He takes life seriously though with humour, and this is evident in his work, which mixes his sarcastic point of view and the beautiful subtlety of his lines. A blend as contradictory as life itself.