2022 Edition

Reading Colombia invites international publishers to apply to obtain the incentives offered by the program in the translation of 30 works by Colombian authors

  • The call for the co-financing program for the translation and promotion of the publication of Colombian literary works in foreign languages, Reading Colombia, invites foreign publishers to apply to obtain the 12 incentives available for the translation of Colombian authors.
  • Foreign publishing houses interested in acquiring the copyright, editing and translation rights of the 30 works included in the catalog may apply for a translation support bag of ten million Colombian pesos (up to 12 support bags Will be delivered).

“Reading Colombia – A selection of contemporary Colombian authors” is an initiative promoted by the Department of Strategy, Development and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Culture, in association with the National Library of Colombia (Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia), the R101 Theater and the Colombian Book Chamber. This strategy was born in 2018 with the aim of strengthening the publishing sector and disseminating works by national authors in the international market, through the sale of copyrights for translation and publication.

After announcing the 30 works that make up the fourth edition of the Reading Colombia Catalog. The organizers of the project announce that for this version 12 translation incentives will be given to works of fiction and non-fiction (story, novel, chronicle, biography, history, essay, epistolary), poetry and children’s and youth literature. For a total of $120,000,000 COP ($10,000,000 for each translation support bag). These values ​​are subject to the corresponding legal withholdings.

Requirements and conditions to participate:

  • Titles eligible to opt for co-financing must be among the 30 titles that make up the fourth edition of the Reading Colombia 2022 catalog (Here)
  • The same applicant may not propose more than two titles.
  • A title may receive up to 3 co-financing supports.
  • Send at the end of the edition and publication of the book supported by the program, two copies to the Ministry of Culture and the Colombian Book Chamber.

Who can apply?

  • Formally constituted for-profit foreign publishers. (Colombian publishers, authors or agents that own the copyright of the titles present in the catalog can act on behalf of foreign publishers, but the administrative procedure for the delivery of the co-financing resource will be carried out with the latter).
  • The foreign publisher must submit the following documents:
  • Contract for the purchase of rights from the Colombian publisher.
  • Translator’s CV.
  • Promotion and distribution plan for the translated work.
  • The winning foreign publishers must include in the publication: the Reading Colombia´s logo and the text “Work edited with the support of the Reading Colombia program, translation co-financing”.

The stimuli will be granted in order of request, until all of them are delivered. The deadline to send the applications is December 15th, 2022, to the emails readingcolombia@mincultura.gov.co and lquiroga@camlibro.com.co

For further information about the call, please send a message to the following e-mails: vlotero@mincultura.gov.co; readingcolombia@mincultura.gov.co; lquiroga@camlibro.com.co

Cuarta edición del proyecto Reading Colombia 2022

Reading Colombia 2022 presenta las editoriales extranjeras de países como Canadá, Egipto, Emiratos Árabes Unidos y Estados Unidos, que serán las encargadas de traducir la obra de autores colombianos a otros idiomas:

Baudelaire. The heroism of the defeated
Juan Zapata
Colombian publishers: Luna Libros y Laguna Libros
translation by: Presses Universitaires du SepBaudelai

Twin beds
Paola Caballero Daza
Colombian publishers: Cajón de sastre
translation by: Madarat for Research and Publishing

Majuy’s arcane
Leonardo Archila
Colombian publishers: Rey Naranjo Editores
translation by: Le Commari Edizioni

The house’s eye
Carolina Sanín
Colombian publishers: Rey Naranjo Editores
translation by: Madarat for Research and Publishing

Habitable spaces
Daniela Prado
Colombian publishers: Sic Semper Ediciones
translation by: Lugar común

Habitable spaces
Daniela Prado
Colombian publishers: Sic Semper Ediciones
translation by: Sefsafa

Blind cat, pink tongue out
María Paz Guerrero
Colombian publishers: Himpar editores
translation by: Deep Vellum

Blind cat, pink tongue out
María Paz Guerrero
Colombian publishers: Himpar editores
translation by: Wakxikon Publications

Crying over spilled milk
Lina María Parra
Colombian publishers: Animal Extinto Editorial
translation by: World Books

And it was then
Helena Iriarte e Iván Rickenmann
Colombian publishers: Babel libros
translation by: Al Rabie Publications

The flight of the humpbacks
Juliana Muñoz Toro y Dipacho
Colombian publishers: Lazo Libros
translation by: Manshurat Al Rabie

La mata
Eliana Hernández
Colombian publishers: Laguna Libros
translation by: Al Rafidain Editor

Resultados convocatoria Catálogo 2022

Estos son los 30 títulos seleccionados en la cuarta edición de Reading Colombia:

Before the sea rises over the paths
Andrea Mejía
Grupo Planeta

Baudelaire. The heroism of the defeated
Juan Zapata
Luna Libros y Laguna Libros

Drum’s mouth
Fernando Urbina Rangel y Santiago Cubides
Editorial Monigote

Twin beds
Paola Caballero Daza
Cajón de sastre

Daniel Cristancho
Angosta Editores

Colombia: A brief history
Jorge Orlando Melo
Grupo Planeta

Majuy’s arcane
Leonardo Archila
Rey Naranjo Editores

The mistery of the smallest library
Miguel Mendoza Luna
Panamericana Editorial

The house’s eye
Carolina Sanín
Rey Naranjo Editores

The flight of the humpbacks
Juliana Muñoz Toro y Dipacho
Lazo Libros

Habitable spaces
Daniela Prado
Sic Semper Ediciones

The imaginary house
Yolanda Reyes
Panamericana Editorial

Gravity and other substances
Daniel Liévano
CasaTinta Editorial

The brush
Eliana Hernández y María Isabel Rueda
Laguna Libros

The paramera
Laura Acero
Laguna Libros

La quitapenas
Juliana Muñoz Toro
Editorial Vicens Vives

The land of sad treasures
Simón Posada
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

The two women readers of Don Quijote
Alejandra Jaramillo Morales
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

Las travesías
Gilmer Mesa
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

Blind cat, pink tongue out
María Paz Guerrero
Himpar editores

Crying over spilled milk
Lina María Parra
Animal Extinto Editorial

Amazement booklets
Juan Miguel Álvarez
Rey Naranjo Editores

Uncomfortable woman
Vanessa Rosales Altamar
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

Muysca: Numbers, myths and rock art
Luz Myriam Gutiérrez
Viento Ediciones

Stories from the edge of the world (and the universe)
Juan Diego Soler Pulido
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial

Shirley Jackson. Drugs, ghosts, and mother love
Arturo Rozo
Mirabilia libros

My feet are on my head
(Berichá) Esperanza Aguablanca
Editorial Monigote

Three horizons
Lina Flórez y Pablo Pérez
Laguna Libros

Twenty spooky tales
Darío Jaramillo Agudelo
Panamericana Editorial

And it was then
Helena Iriarte e Iván Rickenmann
Babel libros

Convocatoria Catálogo 2022 - Cerrada

Del viernes 5 de agosto al lunes 22 de agosto, casas editoriales y editores del país podrán postular obras de autores colombianos para que hagan parte del catálogo Reading Colombia 2022 que se promocionará en las principales ferias del libro nacionales e internacionales, entre otros espacios de promoción del libro y la lectura.

Requisitos y condiciones de participación:

  • Las categorías definidas son: Ficción y no ficción (cuento, novela, crónica, biografía, historia, ensayo, epistolar), poesía y literatura infantil y juvenil.
  • Las obras postuladas deben haber sido editadas y publicadas en Colombia con fecha posterior al 2018.
  • Pueden postularse editores o casas editoriales (personas jurídicas o naturales) titulares de los derechos de traducción.
  • Los autores presentados por los editores o casas editoriales no necesariamente deben residir en Colombia, pero sí deben tener nacionalidad colombiana.
  • Los editores o casas editoriales únicamente podrán postular dos (2) obras por autor.
  • No podrán postularse las obras seleccionadas en el catálogo Reading Colombia 2018 y 2019, ni quienes recibieron el incentivo de traducción 2021.
  • Si la obra es seleccionada, deberá tener la información básica en inglés y la traducción en este mismo idioma de la reseña de la obra en un texto que no supere las 500 palabras, para su inclusión en el catálogo. También se deberá entregar en un archivo en alta resolución (TIFF) la carátula de la obra en español, para su ilustración.
  • Las editoriales postulantes deben ser los titulares de los derechos de traducción.
  • Las obras que se presenten a esta convocatoria deberán ser enviadas para la evaluación de los seleccionadores a las instalaciones de la Cámara Colombiana del Libro (Calle 35 No.5ª-05, barrio la Merced) Bogotá, Colombia.